1 may 2012

Me again after years

I know I have been neglecting my blog for quite a while. If I say “I have been busy”, it will be just an excuse. The true is that I have been depressed.  I had had this up and down mood. My friend Ale had introduced me to the Buddhism, and I have been receiving counseling. Both have helped me to feel better.
I’m almost done, as well, with my MHS. I hope to graduate this summer. I took some French classes, but I just made it to basic 3. It was consuming a good dial of my time, and it wasn’t making me any happier. I kept learning German, which I’m now in advance 1. I decided to take Japanese as well. If I start feeling overwhelming with this class, I will drop it. But I think I´ll not, since I´m really enjoying myself with this language.  I have been making a chart with all the languages I “should know by now”, which are Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese, ASL, and LSM.  By “I should know by now”, I mean that I have been attempting to learn this languages in the past. I know it is not an easy task, and requires certain discipline, which I didn’t have in the past. Now I’m learning two “concepts” or words in each language I mentioned, every day.
I will post the link where I have the chart in a future entrance. 

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