18 dic 2010

Feeling Sick

I have been sick lately. I got some flu of no-idea-what kind, but today I feel better. Actually I have been bored and looking on the internet for something that entertains me. I found a social-net web site that I didn’t remember it existed. According to them, I created an account around five years ago. It said that I was living in Canada and I was looking for a relationship. Well, that was true, but now, so I decided to cancel. Other interesting stuff that I found was an advertisement I apparently publish in an ad web site. I had no idea when I published it, but it was me. The ad said I was looking for a relationship too. The way it was written was really creepy and had a lot of mistakes. Even if I were single, I wouldn’t publish something like that these days. But the thing that creeped me the must was the comments on that ad. Some were insulting, some were harsh and rude. Of course I deleted already that ad, but it reminded me the one time I saw a video in you-tube of a guy that was dancing like Shakira. The comments on that video were so insulting. What does it tell me? That there is a part of me that I haven’t accepted yet? I really don’t think so. I guess I just have done things in a different way. What do I mean? For example, if you were really hungry and you feel like having tons of fruit but you are in a steak-house, the chances are that the wetter is going to stare at you thinking “this guy is a wirdo”. Well, that is what happens to me. Instead of fruits and steaks I talk about bears, guys, science and all that stuff. But nobody told me it was a steak-house, which is a place where they only serve meat. I learned it on my own, as many others, I suppose. The difference is that most of the people learn this when they are teenagers. I finally found a veggie restaurant where I got the fruit I wanted but I’m the same old wirdo. So far, this is me trying to find a place where I can have my fruit grill (I may have it well done).

5 dic 2010

Hebdomada Secunda Adventus Dominica

Piensa con amor en la familia, los amigos, la pareja. Que se llene el aire de paz, amor y comprensión.

Think tenderly about your relatives, friends and your beloved one. Let the air get filed with peace, love and comprehension.

1 dic 2010

This week has been terrible. I have been sick and couldn't do any exercise. Today I suppose to do some worked out, but I just didn't feel like. actually I couldn't go to school. Leo applied me some traditional medicine with red tomatoes and I think it worked. I'm feeling better. Probably I will go to my German class. Let see how it turns out the day.

30 nov 2010

Die Körperteile

Ich bin glücklich! Heutenachmittach habe ich die Körperteile gesehen in meiner Deutschunterricht. Ich bin ein bischen krank. Mir tut das Hals weh. Ich habe keine Lust zu meine Deutschunterricht fühlen, aber ich habe gegangen.

29 nov 2010

Vacas echadas

Se dice que mover a una vaca echada es de las tareas más difíciles, por eso les llamo así a esas personas que se ponen a platicar o contemplar el infinito enfrente de una puerta impidiendo el paso a los demás. Esto se observa mejor en el metro, donde las vacas echadas son abundantes. Estas vacas se pueden reconocer principalmente por esta actividad, o más bien inactividad, y se puede corroborar pidiéndoles cortésmente que permitan el paso. Estas vacas harán caso omiso a uno, y en el peor de los casos contestaran como si uno les hubiera dicho el peor insulto en el mundo. Estos animalitos del señor se pueden reconocer físicamente ya que generalmente son del sexo femenino, de grandes proporciones y con cuernos que les ponen los maridos posiblemente por una vida sexual poco satisfactoria. ¿Alguna vez has visto a estos animales en tu camino a tus actividades?

28 nov 2010

Hebdomada Prima Adventus Dominica

Let us light a candle for those who we remember with love but unfortunately are not longer with us. Let us thank them for the lessons they taught us and exalt the joy we shared in their presence.

Encendamos una vela por aquellas personas que recordamos con cariño pero lamentablemente ya no están con nosotros. Agradezcamos las enseñanzas que nos dejaron y exaltemos la alegría que pasamos en su presencia.

26 nov 2010

The third day of excercise.

Yea! I did some exercise. First Barbell Triceps Curls 2 X 15 then Barbell Biceps Curls 2 X 10. I feel good. The right leg is still bothering me, but I think I’m better. About my weight, I lost one kilo. Now I’m weighting 103 kg.

25 nov 2010

Feeling sick

It has been four days now since I did exercise. My last exercise was Standing Calf Raises. I did around 20 reps since then I have been feeling a little sick. I hurt my left food and I was in pain the entire day. At the next day I had fever over 37.5 Celsius. My right leg was all red and swallowed (I have chronic venous insufficiency). Today I feel a little better but couldn’t make any exercise. I will try tomorrow.

Pawl BEAR en Muu City

Hola! Esta es una nueva sección en mi blog, la cual he llamado Pawl BEAR en Muu City. En esta sección narraré las pericias que debo de hacer para sobrevivir en la Ciudad de México, a la cual me referiré como Muu City. Haré una crítica hacia sus habitantes que en más de una ocasión me han hecho hacer corajes. Creo que es momento de no enojarme y tomar las cosas con un poco de humor. ¿Por qué Muu City? Se preguntarán! Si vemos de cerca a sus habitantes veremos que es la ciudad de las vacas y los bueyes. Claro, esto es hablando de forma general, ya que también encontraremos algunas ratas, lagartijas, mapaches, lobos y osos. ¿pero… por qué vacas y bueyes? Bueno… solo hay que salir un rato a pasear por la calle y se encontraran semejantes vacas echadas, y sobre todo en las entradas de edificios, transporte y demás lugares públicos. Para moverlas está cabrón! También encontraran bueyes que, la mayor parte del tiempo, con su lenguaje no verbal dirán “yo soy el macho alfa”. A estos solo hay que decirles “sí buey, ándale” y ya con eso son felices. Bueno… espero que disfruten de esta sección como yo me divertiré escribiendo de la Muu City.

18 nov 2010

Up Date

So much has happened since I publish my last entry. I have been in a relationship with Leo for a little more than a year. I had set some goals. My friends at Facebook already know what goals I’m talking about. One of these goals is to get fit. Well, I finally started today to do some exercise. I first did some measurements to compare them month by month. These are as follow:
Height 184 cm
Weight 104.3 kg
BMI 30.8
BFP 32.34%
LBM 68.84 kg
Neck 40.5 cm
Chest 119 cm
Biceps 35.5 cm
Waist 122 cm
Thigh 72 cm
I want to go to a gym, but first I would like to do some work at home, so when I finally go to the gym my muscles will do a good work. I started by doing 2 x 10 pull-ups, 2x10 bench-dips and ended with 2x30 crunches. It was really tough since I haven’t done any exercise in a long time.